Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Short Story

BAINA KING A mentally retarded ALIEN….

The story is about an alien who was banished from its home planet for its stupidity. It all happened on a planet named Clone-chi, it was a very advance planet and inhabited by peace loving species, when Baina was born it was calculated by the elders that this child would bring a revolution to its surrounding. As years passed on the genius of the child began to appear, but it didn’t last long as one day a tragedy occurred which changed everything. It was around mid day all the children were playing, Baina was also there enjoying the day with its parents when suddenly while playing Baina slipped in a manner that its head burst open and the fluid inside started flowing out. Baina was rushed to the nearest medical center where it was given first aid. The parents were told that the nervous system has been greatly damaged and it is uncertain whether the child would be normal or the other way around.
Baina recovered from the injury after six months, but was not the same since than. It was a shock for the parents to see their only child in this situation. Once a genius now became the complete opposite, the child was given extra attention but there was no hope of its recovery. After that incident Baina began to lose its memory the skills which it had, and the art to study properly was also nowhere to be seen. As the days passed by Baina grew older and more out of control and became more of a problem to its parents and everyone around it. Than the day came when the elders decided that Baina should be sent to another planet as it was becoming a threat for everyone, at first the parents didn’t allow such thing to happen but after much consultation and pressure they agreed on it as this was better for the society.
A new planet was being discovered by the scientists of Clone-chi, it had signs of water and life in it. After years of research they found out that there is life on that planet and it’s a new planet and is evolving at a much slower rate. This gave the idea to scientists that Baina should be sent there as it would provide Baina all the time it need to start a new life. This gave hope to the parents and the quickly agreed. Baina was first brain washed so it could not remember where it from and than was ready to be sent to this planet which was being called “The Earth”. The spaceship was ready and the destination was punched in and than comes the final moments the count down “10, 9, 8, 7, 6……3, 2, 1,” Blast Off. The spaceship took away.
Earth 25th December 1940
(A Popular radio station reported) “There have been sighting of a UFO in Minnesota America, it is not clear up till now that whether that was a weather balloon or another experiment conducted by the US Air Force ”. “Let’s go live to the place where it all happened.
Radio Station: So you are telling us that you saw a UFO, what does it look like?
Eyewitness: (a weak grumpy voice) Yes! I saw the space ship round as an egg, and it was revolving in mid air. There was these lights, powerful lights I tell ya glittering On and Off, On and Off, like the ones they had on these fighting planes.
RS: So at what time you tell you saw that UFO?
EW: It was darkest at the night I just had my medication and was about to take a walk after the dinner. There I lay my eyes on that flying plate, at first I thought it was just a reaction of my pills but as I noticed its unusual flying pattern I knew something was wrong there were aliens they came to attack us we are Doomed!! Doomed I tell ya.
RS: Thank you sir, this is all we have for you this morning. Stay tuned.
That was the last time anyone heard the sighting of UFO and as for that old man who gave the interview, it turned out that his medication caused that illusion the doctors confirmed that by saying that dose was high and the age also played the important factor. (Case Closed).

After that crash landing of the spaceship Baina some how survived and was found by a near by farmer and his wife.” Before sending Baina to earth its parents somehow transformed it into a human form a female about 4 earth years to be specific”. They took the baby to their house and with the baby they didn’t find anymore information to whom the child belong to the only words the child could utter where “Baina Baina”. So they gave her the name Baina Orwell. The farmer didn’t know that the child was the alien which has been crash landed on their planet it was because there were no signs that could detect or give the feeling that the child was an alien. The farmer raised Baina like a normal child, he also had his own children but there was something different about this girl. Sometimes she would speak a completely different language it was ignored as she was small and it was obvious for children to speak these gibberish words, but there was something which was different from others.

Baina received her early education from Minnesota USA and went to New York for her higher studies, there she developed a habit of writing. At first she wrote for her university and than for the local newspaper. After completing her studies she went to Afghanistan as a war journalist and decided to stay permanently in Kabul. From there she started her writing career, she wrote many columns on war and politics in a famous news paper. She was criticized for her open remarks at the government but never backed down. Baina started her career as a novelist after the Soviet-Afghan War. Baina was greatly impressed by television/radio host Larry King, from there she got her pen name Baina King. After a series of popular novels she decided to start her career as a lecturer in a reputed university where she was appointed as a basic language teacher.

There was a lot of happening on earth at that time wars, political instability. These were the things which made Baina’s life miserable she wanted to change all this but in the process she lost her human self. Depression was too much on her mind she started seeing unusual nightmares which she couldn’t understand. Her memories were not clear, she would saw herself as an alien amongst the people she wanted to know about her past, what was she? Does she belong here? But there was no answer to her questions. She tried everything to calm herself down but to no avail. Those nightmares torcherd her to an extant that one day she tried to kill herself by taking over dozes of medicine but was rushed to the hospital, but these acts continuously grew up and she was declared mentally retarded.

Now there she is just sitting quietly in a corner of the asylum. The attendant told us that at night she starts speaking in a different language not understandable by anyone and gazes the sky as if something is up there listening to her and telling her to wait for them. The world is a very cruel place there is no place for people who are weak not physically but mentally.